
The Bells Of Mourning


07-15-2013, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2013, 06:59 PM by Epiphron.)

Because Ger will want to know this info as well... I'm popping in.

Things could not have been better for the King of Seracia on this particular day. He had just seen the joyous marriage of his son to his now daughter-in-law, and had simultaneously been witness to a grand alliance between Seracia and Valhalla. Though he was still very much wife-less, and Queen-less, the King felt like things were going well in his lands. A smile wrinkled his face as a howl began on the borders, but its tone soon brought his mood down considerably. He tilted his head, lifting a forepaw questioningly, before trotting toward the source of the sound. An ear flicked back as he saw her. Every bit of her posture looked saddened and downtrodden. She was of Valhalla - though her name escaped him. Why was she so upset? Had some ill-will befallen the newest allies of the Kingdom?

Gerhardt Mathias, welcome to Seracia, Madam. I'm afraid your name escapes me, but I remember your face from the wedding. The ear twisted forward, ready for a response. He tilted his haunches downward and into a sitting position. What has made you so upset? Perhaps it wasn't his place to ask, but Gerhardt loved to help others - particularly females - and something in him needed to know if there was something he could do.
