
Flip the Script

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-24-2019, 04:54 PM

She and Rhyme where on patrol, the familiar feel of the duty always grounded her. She felt like she could do this in her sleep, with the familiar pitter patter of Rhyme beside her like rain in the roof of her den. There was a quiet about them, one that use to be comfortable, and now felt strained. She knew Rhyme was confused, he had lost much in his life, and some of it more recently. So she would be a quiet companion beside him, there if he tried to reach out.

They didn’t get far in this patrol, before her Raven came carening from the sky on folded wings, flaring them not far from the ground to cut her fall. Shaye looked up at her companion, and could see the exasperation in her beady eyes, and knew that something was going on, and well it wasn’t life threatening, it did require their attention. “Come on” She said, and turned her stride to follow the bird.

The path took them to the three children, through it seemed Poem was more in the background, and the two boys where.. Being boys, and getting out of control. As they began to rain down blows, Shaye swooped in and grabbed the much younger pup, aiming to grab him by the scruff of the neck and pull some distance between him and Noir, trusting that Rhyme would do the same. “What’s going on here” she said, putting down the tiny child to demand her answer.

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