
The Love That Binds Us


07-15-2013, 07:29 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2013, 07:29 PM by Awaken.)

Awaken was, at the time, out hunting for good food sources and trying to find new ways to explore. Task 1: learn to climb trees. Not neccisarily something canines learned to do but it was a neccisary skill. He tilted his head up searching for something in the treea. His eyes scanned across a enterwoven bed of twigs. A birds nest. Were their were nests there were eggs.?

He looked around the trees noting a patern that he could climb the branches. They were rather close together and the tree was pretty short. He place a paw on the lowest and carefully worked his way up. Using each branch like a stair step. He eventualy got up even with the nests and swiped his muzzle sideways takeing all the eggs and leaping down. Then the dreaded sound of wings hit him. Mama crow was back. He looked up to see the black wench dive bombing him. He yelped and jumped, taking off in a dead sprint untill eventauly the horror of bird hell stopped. He panted and laid out his catch. Three well sized crow eggs. Small but packed with good stuff. He dug a hole in the ground and gently set them in, burrying them for later.

His ears perked to the soft sweet sound of her howl. Mercianne. Faint from the distance but still music to his ears. Butterflies filled his stomach as he grinned like an idiot. He lifted his muzzle howling back to her, hisnlow voice like cellos to her beautiful chorus. He took off in a dead sprint, with a bit of pep in his step. He kinda resembled peppe le pew in the way he ran carelessly. Bounding through the bushes into the clearing

"Hey, Merci! You howled?" his ears twitched with joy to see her as his tail wagged so vigorously that his entire butt moved.