
So They Say



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
03-25-2019, 03:37 PM

Her herb garden was growing well in numbers, and the little budding plants that had broken the surface was her first sign that she was doing something right. It hadn’t been easy going, but the pack had helped her to level and fertilize the spot. They had dug an irrigation channel from the stream, and planted the seeds she had painstakingly gathered. She was eager to continue harvesting outside of the territory, both to add to her seeds and because her garden itself was a long way off harvesting.

She always spoke to Branch before leaving the pack lands, and today was no different. After a quick chat with her Alpha, the young healer made her way West from the pack. Often her journey would take her Northeast, but decided not to head to the Orchard this time. Her favourite gathering spot was one she knew well now, and she wanted to explore somewhere new. Somewhere that wasn’t sandwiched between two packs.

She found Fern Gulley by the scent of blooming flowers. She entered the territory and looked about herself with an easy grin, this looked like a fantastic place to come in Spring, and without having been here prier, it could be filled with interesting gems. The rich scent of herbs filled her nostrils as she took a moment to raise her head to the wind and take it all in.

She got to work quickly, examining the plants that grew in abundance, picking pieces here and there and adding them to her travelsack. She had a mental list of herbs she wished to seek, but wasn’t fussed with getting distracted with anything else she found and wished to harvest. She collected seeds as often as she collected the herb itself. It was early morning when she started her journey, but as she slowly made her way through the field, the morning would start in earnest.

Word count: 317
