
So They Say



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
03-25-2019, 04:02 PM
Justice paused as she looked out over flourishing plant life. She'd been exploring, not looking to harvest anything, but the profusion of herbs there made her curse her lack of herb knowledge. She only really knew how to recognize a sparse pawful of herbs, mostly the simplest things like lavender, and she'd learned to recognize yarrow when it was growing, but otherwise she knew nothing about finding herbs where they grew. She knew there were probably hundreds of medicinal herbs in this gulley, but unless she managed to spot the little flowers of yarrow she was worse than useless. It was frustrating to look at all lush greenery and know that so much of it could go towards helping Celestial and she couldn't recognize any of it. It was frustrating, and depressing, because all she seemed to be good for was hurting people instead of helping them. She was a good fighter, and she did enjoy it, and it was helpful to the pack to have warriors, but she'd always wanted to be able to help people too, and she wasn't doing a great job of that.

She eyed the plants again, and that was when she noticed the wolf moving through the foliage with a carrysack, occasionally stopping to pick at the plants and put bits and pieces into the bag. Justice's heart raced in excitement. Yes - this was what she needed! Just like when she had met Ara. She'd found a healer, bag and all, gathering plants. All she had to do was ask them to teach her... and hope they were as amenable to it as Ara had been. She hurried to the mouth of the gully and plunged into the greenery, managing to work her way through until she was within earshot. "Excuse me!" she called out. It paid to be polite when you were hoping to get something from someone. She finished working her way through the last of the plants until she stood beside the wolf, another dark colored female like her, though with considerably more white on her. "Good morning. I can't help but noticed that you're collecting herbs. I'm a healer myself - well, I'm learning anyway - and I was wondering if you'd like some help?"

Word Count: 376
Total Word Count: 639