
So They Say



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
03-25-2019, 04:53 PM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2019, 06:51 PM by Riva.)

Having a sachet made a huge difference in her life. Before now she had always placed her herbs in the small space between her paw and ribbon. The huge amount of extra room provided gave room to so many more possibilities. The young healer could carry her jar creations with her, mixing herbs into salves. She could collect seeds to store and grow, herbs to dry or prepare for her salves. She was grateful for the space, and couldn’t imagine going without it now.

She had already placed seeds in her bag, and was snipping the stem of a herb with a carefully placed paw, and grabbing a flower. She stored that gently in the space she used just for this purpose, and was moving on to the next job.  She was so lost in what she was doing, she almost didn’t hear the voice calling out to her. it was a long moment before the sound drew her attention, and the words took on meaning. She blinked, and shook herself free from her head and mental lists and looked up to see the steel blue wolf, whos purple eyes where clearly settled upon Riva. She straightened, and grinned at the taller wolf, wagging her tail in a friendly greeting. The wolf didn’t stop until she was before the healer, and would introduce herself as an apprentice healer. “Nice to meet you, I’m Riva. I wouldn’t say no to some help” she said, a gentle laugh breaking free. Her mental list was rather large, and well she didn’t expect to actually get all the herbs she sought, it would certainly bring her closer if two eyes where looking instead of one. It wasn’t often she found a wolf willing to help her, normally it was the other way around. Riva, whos healing abilities where needed, supplies where used. She spent so much of her free time gathering and growing, just so that she would never have to let someone down.

“And if you have any healer questions, feel free to voice them” she said in encouragement. Riva considered herself as always learning, and was always looking to see what different ways other healers did things. She was as happy to share her own knowledge as she was to receive that of others. Honestly, she wished she could take on an apprentice, and was still looking out for the opportunity to teach another wolf. She felt, vainly, that she could do a better job then her mentor had done to Riva. yes, that old would had installed upon her a need to help, and a strong understanding of herbs. But she hadn’t taught Riva with love, only with stern necessity. She shook her head, not letting thoughts of the past distract her. The stranger had offered her help, and well Riva had accepted it, she also needed to give her an idea on what Riva was doing.

“I’m looking for Stinging Nettle, Ginger and Plantain among other things. Are you familiar with those herbs?” she would ask the stranger, when she got negation, she would proceed to explain them. “Stinging Nettle is a small green plant with jagged edges. It grows quite tall, and has yellow roots. The leaves and stems of some species can inject you with a painful sting, I normally slice the stem with a claw and collect it in a jar without touching it. It grows in the most fertile places, so look for herb movements, and the places they do their business most often. I use it as an anti-inflammatory ” There was a twinkle in her eye as she explained that part. She hoped to see some soon so she could offer a live specimen for the other woman to investigate.

After that block of information, she gave the woman a moment to digest it, and offer up any questions, before moving on. “Ginger is a root, to identify it, look for its leafy stems, which grow to about a metre high. The flowers are dense, cone-like spikes. We dig out the roots and harvest the ginger. It can also be used as an anti-inflammatory, it also helps with nausea and is good for mothers for that reason, as it’s a gentle herb. It likes shady areas and higher areas with less water in the soil”

Again, she would give the girl a moment to digest this information, and see if she had any further questions, before moving on the last one. She described the herb, how it grew in abundance, and how they should only pick the leaves “It makes a good salve for cuts and sores” she explained. She was hopeful that they would be able to find all three of these herbs, as she intended to make a salve with them. “I’ll point them out to you as we go, and other herbs too if you wish, if you need me to repeat anything or offer a clear description, let me know” she explained, easily offering up her knowledge. She was excited to show this wolf what she knew of healing.

Word count: 868
total words:1,507
