

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-25-2019, 05:33 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2019, 05:39 PM by Seadragoness.)

When the call rang out in the distance, the barest hints of it reaching Abaven, Shaye would jump into action. She would dash across the territory to Leera’s den, where here and the little ones where inside. She barked a quick hello and stuck her head in the den, counting the puppies and Leera quickly. They were all accounted for. She howled for Rhyme, and caught sight of Winter in the air above them. Her companion bird had followed her here.

After her call she moved back to the entrance of the den, “Leera, did you hear what was happening?” she asked the mother wolf, uncertain if she had heard the call and knew what it meant. She didn’t know who was challenging Ty for the throne, or what the outcome would be. She was here to ensure no pup ran off to the battlefield where their lives would be in danger.

She still remembered that god-believing wolf who had challenged for a member of Ty’s pack when the Alpha himself had not arrived quickly enough for him. She didn’t know what his deal was, but knew he held animosity to Ty and his. She would keep the kids here and safe, and if anyone but Ty came here looking for them, they would find opposition. She debated who to send to witness the challenge, and report back to here what had happened. She would also keep a healer on standby for Ty. she had no idea what was going to come from this, but whatever it was, Abaven would be ready.



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