
Talking Business



9 Years
Extra large
03-25-2019, 07:25 PM

Zell would arrive shortly after and Frost took note of his scabbed up wound over his eye. It didn't look like it had been treated by a healer and Frost made note to try and hunt down Ara to look at it. He hoped that Zell wouldn't lose sight in that eye. Frost was wondering what had happened and also noted to go pay a personal visit to Zell to check in on him. His attention turned to Torin as he began to speak, speaking about his nephew who had another pack. It was definitely another one, because it wasn't the same name Ty had for his first pack. It surprised him to hear he had some enemies already and had potential war around the corner. Torin was asking for opinions and for a moment Frost glanced to Zell as his niece began to speak. Frost took in her words while mulling over what his opinion on the matter would be.

First off The pack consisted of the old or the young, there was very few that were around Torin's age. His kids were to young to even be anywhere near a war. He would willingly fight if it meant to keep his family and pack safe, but Frost just didn't feel they had the wolves to spare at this time. It would be almost dangerous to ally with a pack looking at potential war. Not that he didn't want to support his nephew, he wanted to support any family he had. So what was the solution? Should they ally and offer supplies? Things like food and medical aid? He wasn't sure what they could do if they would ally, but he didn't feel it was smart to actually offer to participate in the potential war. Once Derecho was finished Frost perked up a bit.

"I do not feel like it would be smart to offer anyone to participate in a potential war... We could offer food and medical aid, but I think for the safety of our pack we you steer clear of involvement," he stated before looking to Zell for his input on this.

"Frost Talk", & 'Frost Think'