
Serpentine! Serpentine!



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
03-25-2019, 07:55 PM

Lament Pyre

It was some days after the start of his memories, and very little from his old life had come back to him. He would occasionally catch a glimpse of something, a vision of a tree, it’s great branches waving in the wind. The feel of air as it gushed up a cliff, adrenaline as he gazed down at the long fall. A face, but this was the blurriest image of all. He could recall no details, and couldn’t connect his dreams into a memory. He couldn’t bring them into a greater picture and perceive something.

His frustration made it hard to sit still, and he opted to spend long days walking, simply tasting the air, and feeling the earth beneath his feet. There was something good, and comforting about that. It simply felt right. His sister was safe, and less weary a few days after the incident itself. He would always return to her at the end of the day, or bring her out with him to explore the world they found themselves in.

Today he would find himself nearing the entrance of a cavern, its gloomy innards offered something interesting, and he had veered course to make his way towards it. Only, before he could get far a form rocketed free of its mouth like a bat out of hell. Her deep purple form was sleek in the sunlight, and there was power in her legs as she worked them for all they worth. “Ahoy runner, is all well!” he called out over the distance between them. He stopped his own path, his muscles coiled cautiously beneath him, preparing him to fight or flight whatever had startled the stranger so.

His face was strangely blank, not one expression passed over his stoic features, and his paws occasionally fidgeted slightly beneath him. A movement here and there, that could be passed off as settling of weight.
