
your love's a drag, but I need it so bad



3 Years
03-25-2019, 09:14 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2019, 09:15 PM by Anubis.)

It seemed that his scrutiny was mirrored by the strange femme, who elected to appraise him in similar fashion. Which was warranted, no doubt, as he was a strange creature from a strange land. The lingering scent of milk, sweet and heady, clung to her form. She had pups to think about, no doubt, and needed to be wary. "So I can see." she replied coolly, dismissive in a way that spoke of noble rearing. Not too soon after, a soft whisper of familiarity. "Ithuriel." she purred delicately, with the tone of a woman who knew exactly what she was saying. Piqued interest voiced itself in the form of a soft, throaty hum, picking up at the end to indicate intrigue. How had she known? Was this one of his kin, somehow? His sire had been a wandering man, who laid claim to divinity. His mother had spoken highly of him, though with the natural disinterest of a woman fully aware that he was merely a donor of genes and nothing more.

"An unus ex nobis?" she questioned hesitantly, transitioning into a familiar language. It wasn't the one he was raised with, but he'd used it for nearly as long. The old tongue, the one the old gods had brought with them from across the sea. "Genitor mihi nomine debetur si gratam eam continent." he drawled lazily, narrow shoulders rolling with a half hearted shrug. It was true, he was only Ithuriel by name. His mother had tossed it to her children carelessly as she had cast them from her care, a calling card by which to seek out the other half of their lineage if they so chose. He didn't much care, as his sire had played little role in his upbringing and shown no care for his existence.

What did it matter, if he found Ra or not? He was his own man, with his own dreams. Settle down by the sea, and make his living with the spirits and his poisons. "An aliud est scriptor Ra excludunt vel tu es aliud omnino creatura?" he crooned next, curious to see how she had known his lineage so easily. The golden tip of his tail flicked absently, eerily feline in the smooth motion of it.


ooc. hover for translations <3