
Messing With Two Hot Devils



2 Years
03-26-2019, 04:12 AM

The rhythmic baritones of her teacher soon reverberated in her ears as her blue orb focused on the fall maiden. The eyes that would pierce into one's soul and leave them forever entranced caught her attention, a look of somewhat happiness spread over her maw. It had been some time since they had last spoke to one another, and surely it was time to start anew and get to know one another a little better than their last encounter. Also, the ebony fae did not forget the elegant woman's statement about training her. In fact, it was what the female needed assistance with. As well as, something that she was experiencing that she was not used to. She knew the scent from her mother, but as to what it meant she hadn't a single clue. She slowly got up, walking over to to where her teacher was, showing signs of respect to her.

"It has been quite some time, Nephthys. I hope everything is going well on your front? My...apologies for not trying to find you sooner. But, I was in need of your guidance and was wondering if you would still assist me when it comes to being more...elegant such as yourself?"She spoke, her crown tilting to the side slightly in curiosity. She was unsure as to what she would end up doing if the female before her said that she wouldn't. But, their first encounter did start on a bad note anyways, but, she would try her best to be more cordial than what had happened before. The burn was still there upon her face in all its glory, there to haunt her for the rest of her life. But, she wouldn't let it slow her down, she would be sure to use it as a reminder for all she had gone through to get this far.
