
Love who you are

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-26-2019, 05:06 PM
Shaye reached down and nuzzled Poem gently on the cheek. The gesture soft and loving. Her daughter was too young to grasp the gravity of their history, of the long line of Destructions. She didn’t know how much Shaye ached for the past, why her sister held the namesake of Shaye’s mother. That to hear Poem wish to cast aside her name without a seconds thought hit home in a way that Shaye had to hide from her.

“Your father loves you Poem, and knows how beautiful and bright your future is. He has so many children to carry the name he choses. But you, you are my heir, my beautiful girl, and this name and all it holds is my gift to you.” she kept her voice gently, and banished away the anger she was still holding at what Rhyme had said to her two girls. How easily he asked them cast away their name, knowing himself the important of names, hurting over what his father had done over his name. And yet, without a second thought, he would have her beautiful girls leave behind the Destruction name, without so much as mentioning it to Shaye, let alone talking it over with her. But she couldn’t hold onto that anger. Right now, her attention was for Poem, and for her daughter, all she felt was love.


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