
Mud Slide and Army Knives



3 Years
03-26-2019, 05:23 PM
The sun was directly overhead by the time Aggie got Meeko up and out of bed, practically having to drag the raggedy coon from his den. He kick, scratched, and hissed, but eventually he just shut up and followed along. It was time to move on anyway, at least that's what she thought. After loosing her homeland, staying in one area for too long had her feeling anxious, wary, her trust in the universe completely obliterated- just like her home. Rays of sunshine cascaded down from the heavens and warmed the dark shades of Agnimitra's coat. Finally, after months of bitter cold, she could step out into the sunlight and actually feel the warmth in the air, not the blistering cold of winter winds that had her tail tucked and diving back into her den the first chance she got. If one thing was for certain, Aggie did not care for the cold. No Sir. She was not a northern wolf and that fact ran deep in her bones.

But now she didn't have to worry about winter, because spring had finally arrived to Boreas. Snow was melting away in the prolonged sunlit days, and the dirt was becoming slick with moisture. "Mud," the grumpy raccoon hissed, "there is just so much damn mud.". Turning her head to the side, she chances at the silver male, and eyebrow arched at his perched position on her back. "How would you know? Your paws haven't even touched the ground yet." She retorted, huffing and giving her shoulders a roll in a sly attempt to make him fall. It was, of course, without any luck and instead resulted in his little hands gripping into her scruff for balance. Aggie winced, and turned to glare at him as he offered a wide, cheesy smile. "Oops?"

The ember woman was about to bark a few choice words at her companion when all of a sudden the mud beneath her feet suddenly become very slick and smooth, sending her paw stretching out and making her balance fumble for a split second. But that second was all it needed. Meeko, unprepared for such a sudden turn, went tumbling off the side of Aggie's body and hit the mud with a loud smack! Mud went flying in every direction, effectively covering one side of Agnimitra's body while leaving the other seemingly unscathed. She stared blankly as the male paused for a moment as reality began to sink in, and then he took a deep chested inhale, before blowing it out forcefully out his nose. He slowly stood up onto his hind legs, holding his forearms out to either side of his plump body as mud dripping from his fur.

Slowly... too slowly... Meeko's gaze lifted from the mud and settled on the woman's face, the waves of disgust and rage mentally penetrating Aggie's soul. Cautiously, she began to step away, becoming all too away of the ticking time bomb standing before her. "Meeko... it was an accident, you know that." Her voice was low and smooth as she continued to back up, but the raccoon, in all eleven inches, was filled with rage and nearly covered head to toe in mud. There was no reasoning with this beast. Aggie knew that, still, she tried. "We'll go find a river to clean you up, okay? I'm sor-" Her rump suddenly hit something cool and hard, causing the female to turn her head and see what exactly it was she stumbled into, but even as she stared she still couldn't understand what it was. A rock maybe? Strange rock? When she turned back to Meeko however, she was met with a large pile of mud flung straight for her muzzle, and no time to react.

"There. Now we're both dirty."
