
my friend's mom



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
03-26-2019, 06:04 PM
If Poem had time to think about the loss of their playmate she would have regretted the end that had come. Though she didn’t realize that the ending could become even worse. These were honey badgers. These things didn’t fear anything and they were more tenacious than any other creature in Boreas. This she badger had the ability to really mess the two young pups up. Poem hadn’t expected to go from having a great time to fighting for her life.

Her father had already started their training, with Shaye doing her part as well. The girls knew the basics of how to defend themselves their parents had seen to that. Poem felt herself fall into a defensive stance instinctively as she faced the enraged mother. Her ears fell back and she narrowed her gaze as her shoulders rolled forward and she tucked her chin. She dug her claws into the earth as her long white tail straightened out behind her. Her joints bent and she growled as Motif rushed to her side.

Her sister sounded as disappointed as Poem felt about losing their fun friend, neither girl held fear in their heart. Though if it was because of increased bravery or just foolishness was up for debate. What they should have done was call for an adult the moment they saw the mother badger, but Poem was determined to take on challenges with out the help of grown ups. Noir had survived an attack from a mountain lion, what could she do?

”Probably run,” she answered. Motif often deferred to her for the decision making, something Poem didn’t mind. Likely Shaye had noticed as well. But I kinda wanna fight.” She answered, amusement obvious an her features as she evenly distributed her weight over her four paws. ”What do you think, Mo?” She asked, raising her eyebrows towards her sister.

word count: 315