
national anthem


07-15-2013, 08:17 PM

Tiberious had wandered far astray that day, but couldn't seem to find it in himself to care. This landscape was a joy to explore, not too cold but not too hot, a bit muggy but with crags and cliffs to climb and explore. He was thoroughly enjoying himself as he worked his way upward. the strain on his muscles made him feel strong and old, even if he knew he would be sore tomorrow. One day I'll be strong enough to run all teh way up to the top of this mountain without even getting winded, wait and see, he thought to himself with a grin. He wanted to be able to run from sun up to sun down, to feel his muscles mush and pull, eager to take him wherever he wanted to go. The farther up he got, however, the harder it became to breath. The air grew a bit thinner and he slowed his pace to something more manageable.

He paused to survey the world around him. Rolling hills and valleys and all sorts of things splayed out beneath him. They all seemed so small, and he seemed so big! He knew the forests he could see teemed with deer and foxes and badgers and prey of all sorts but he couldn't see any with his naked eye. He wished impulsively that he was a hawk, so that he could see even the smallest creature from so far away. He was broken from his train of thought by a wavering, young sounding howl. It didn't seem too far away from him, unless the stone had carried the sound in an odd way. Curious, Tiberious went to investigate with his tail up and a smile on his face. Perhaps he knew the young wolf, and if not he was always excited to make a new friend. He let the rocks clatter beneath his paws to announce his arrival as he moved in, trying to find the call's source.

Speech, Thoughts.