
Chasing the Sun



4 Years
03-26-2019, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2019, 02:24 PM by Cason.)
Strong paws connected with the rocky terrain. Even though his paw pads were ripped up due to some of the rock's sharp edges, it didn't really phase the brute all too much. It was more-so becoming a nuisance if anything, but he trekked upward. He had come across a few chambers, but nothing that looked too promising for a sleeping area. The sun was starting to go down, radiating beautiful hues of orange and red, simply stunning. Though, the male didn't really care too much for the view. Right now he was just looking for a place to unwind and rest his feet. This land and all that inhabited it was new to him. The landscape certainly depicted something that would be better suited for someone such as him, that was for certain. Unlike his old home that barely had anything and seemed more like a ghost town than anything else.

His nose flared as he caught a few scents nearby, but nothing too out of the ordinary. His icy glaze glanced downward from where he was. One slip up and it could cost him his life, but, he continued to be adventurous and learn some more from this world. He was a wolf of knowledge after all, and he was determined to get it whenever he could; even if he got hurt doing so.

Walking upward a little more, he managed to reach some steady ground with a cave that was formed within the structure that he was walking upon. It seemed sturdy enough, at least that was a good find as he walked inside. It didn't seem inhabited by anything as he walked inside and lied down, watching the sunset with an uninterested expression that plagued his face. He wanted to show emotion and say that it was a beautiful day, however, he was very strict and barely showed any expression unless it was called for, so he just rested his cranium on his paws and rested his eyes, waiting for something interesting to turn up.