
You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night


03-27-2019, 10:25 AM

Aria’s ears twitched at the sound of a stranger’s voice and the young woman instantly shot to her paws. A mistake. The leg that hadn’t quite properly healed, still in a bad state, wrenched and she felt pain shoot within it. She gritted her teeth, catching the yelp that wanted to escape with the action. She had been startled by the other’s presence in general though as golden eyes fell on the smaller woman she allowed her fur to lay flat once more. Slowly ears that had been flicked back lifted from her head and she watched the other for a moment as she breathed in and out, uncertainty shining in her gaze.

The other woman wasn’t just a bit smaller… but she was younger too it seemed. Aria frowned deeply and furrowed her brow, realizing that she had been staring the other down for quite a while without so much as a “hi”.

“Sorry… Guess I’m more jumpy than I realized.” That much the other woman could see for herself. The other appeared to be even less of a threat than she was! That was probably a good thing though. It made Aria feel safer around her.

“Can I help you with something?” Hopefully this stranger didn't want to talk long. She was exhausted and was sure sleep was definitely needed.
