
Give 'Em the Basics

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-27-2019, 01:19 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2019, 01:28 PM by Rhyme I.)
Rhyme was slowly teaching the kids how to defend themselves. They were still very young yet so he had only really touched on the basics. Once they were older and started to really show interest in their fields of study they could start getting into more advanced techniques. For now he focused on puppy lessons.

He tried to keep their class size small, it was easier to get a couple of season old pups to pay attention than all five of them. Right now he had Poem at his side and he sought out Theory. While Motif would have been a more logical choice she and Poem knew each other too well. He wanted all of them to be able to work together well, though having Noir be the odd one out made things difficult. He had mostly trained him on his own, and he’d focused on defense rather than offense lest that backfire against his sisters.

Another reason he wanted the girls to be able to defend themselves was their big brother. Noir.. was likely going to be a giant when he reached adulthood, or even the year mark. He was leaps and bounds ahead of his sisters, even Motif and Poem and they were not small pups. Of course the boy tried to hide the teasing and bullying from him, but not a lot escaped the slate alpha.

Rhyme halted beside the massive maple tree where Tana’s three pups had been born. The woman had been avoiding him since trying to steal away Noir that night. Not that he blamed her, but he did feel himself worrying for the crippled woman. They were practically strangers now despite having these beautiful growing pups.

”Theory?” He called out for her, wondering if she was close to the den or not.