
It's a trap!



4 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
03-27-2019, 06:18 PM
Revenge was a dish best served cold, and she had certainly taken her time to plan this carefully. She had seen Noir knocking Poem to the ground, hissing in her ear, and making himself a general menace to her sister. Motif wasnt going to sit still well someone was cruel to her beloved sister. Noir was a bully, and it was time to take him down a peg.

She started with the bedding, grabbing one of Poems old, comfortable sheep blankets. Apologising mentally as she did so. She told her sister she was experimenting with curing pelts and that it wouldnt be suitable to sleep on for a few days. That hoped that would be enough to keep her sister off it. Leaving it smelling like her and Poem, she placed it out in a secluded, sunny spot that looked like a neat, secret place to hang. Then, she let Noir catch her sneaking there one day. Once he discovered it, and seen how they had comfortably furnished it - of course he took over it. Sleeping in the sun and telling her to scram if he saw her.

She acted upset, but secretly she was thrilled. Perfect. Next, she found a broken jar in an old den and spent the better part of a day catching a green stink bug, and clumsily seeling the jar with some wrapped leaves. She kept this jar near by well she prepared other parts of her plot, and when she came back she would see that the bug had.. multiplied, with easily fifty little eggs. Instead of examining this strange occurance, she realised she has been granted a golden opportunity.

She waited for the eggs to hatch, then rolled in stink weed to cover her tracks, and planted the fragile jar under the bedding. When Noir slept here next, the jar would crack, unleashing mayhem! If she was really lucky, it would take the bugs time to work there way theough the thick fluff, and Nojr would be asleep when they found him.

Her trap prepared, she hid in the bushes near by and waited. Before nour could appear, she would catch sight of poem and jolt in surprise. Noir couldn't see Poem here, she darted forward, making hushing noises as she grabbed poem and dragged her behind the bushes, continuing to make hushing noises as she settled in under the bush. She pointed at her bed-trap, giggled and whispered for her sister to be quiet.
[Image: IdzUBSO.png]