
Lips Of An Angel



07-15-2013, 08:29 PM


Orica had stepped back at the first cough, and even now as the male seemed to calm down, she retained her distance. He just sort of fell limply back into place. He didn't say anything. Not any word at all. But he did meet her gaze now. And Orica found that it was now she who was squirming. She couldn't figure this out. She kept waiting for the male to growl again, hoping she wouldn't flinch. Or maybe he'd just throw out more swear words. Orica's ears slowly fell back. She was being silly. After all what had he possibly expected? The male had made it clear from the moment he appeared that he wanted nothing to do with her. Then, when shed ignored all the warnings and stuck around he'd had to nearly kill himself in order to protect her. Of course in Orica's mind she'd done absolutely nothing wrong, but she was just coming of the age when she could see things through the eyes of another wolf- or at least try. In what she figured as the male's mind, she could see no reason to like her. He was a killer. He said himself that he -enjoyed- killing wolves. Just because he didn't kill her this one time didn't mean he actually liked her. She withdrew her gaze, letting her eyes fall on her now almost empty medics bag. What had she thought? That a life long killer could suddenly go gentle for some slip of a girl he'd just met? That just because he'd returned that brush of his tail when she'd hidden behind him, that suddenly she was allowed to talk with him? Well ... actually ... that was exactly what she'd thought. But it was just useless hopes.

Orica took a step towards the leather knapsack and rooted about with her nose until she managed to get the strap over her head. When he stood, it was so big on her that it bumped about her ankles. She took a deep breath and stood facing the male. Saying 'thank you' to someone who had killed good wolves just felt plain wrong, especially when she'd already shown her gratitude by saying and doing what she could to fix him up. He was still in a bad way, but his strength continued to surprise; he -he was better off on his own from here on out. Orica couldn't take anymore of his shouting.

"You should be fine if you just- just stay put," she murmured. She was already looking in the direction she knew home to be but she dragged her eyes back, wanting to say more. "Just..." she trailed off. She wanted to ask him to be good. To try to - enjoy killing less? Oh gods she didn't know! What made her think that anything she could say to him would make a difference? It was enough. Despite knowing he would probably carry on with his brutal ways, she had chosen to keep tending to him. She looked at the plants plastered to the males underbelly, at the splinters of bark that had been flicked about, at the trail blood drops that mapped out the scene that had unfolded neath the willows. And Orica found that she was speaking. Up until just about everything she had said to either of the adult wolves had been ignored or shoved back in her face, but she was determined to get these words out. "There's a story, about a white wolf and a dark pelted halfbreed. The white wolf traveled the lands with his brother, looking for kingdoms that they could bring crashing down. They ended many lives and told themselves that they were having lots of fun. They found a new land and joined a pack intending to take it down from the inside, but then the white wolf met the halfbreed. She had heard the stories. She knew what he was ... But she didn't kill him, even when given the chance. They ended up becoming friend, and eventually the white wolf started to feel other things, to find other things fun. He didn't feel like hurting people anymore. He just wanted to have his friend." maybe she would get fixed a look that told her she was nothing but a stupid child. Maybe. But this was a story she'd grown up with and it was the only thing that helped make sense of this whole day. She blinked, her eyes once more falling full upon the males features. She couldn't help but feel that if this male could ever change like that, maybe she wouldn't mind being his friend.

Orica was ready to go -or rather to be sent away, but she waited to see the effect of her words.
