
Mud Slide and Army Knives



3 Years
03-27-2019, 09:05 PM
Two sisters? It boggled her mind that someone could've been so lucky as to escape to this new land with anyone, especially a family member, not to mention two. It was astronomical, incredible.... unbelievable. It was then that the doubt began to come back, bringing with it, it's old friends disappointment and despair. It seemed to seep in from the surrounding air, making the woman all but aware of her mud soaked coat, making her hair wet and her skin cold. From her skin the coldness spread through her veins like wildfire, starting from the most outer portion of her being and slowly turning towards her core. Her core, where her hope and delight lived on very little fumes for some time now, and this crushing blow would no doubt diminish their supply completely. The hope and joy that once was so plainly obvious on her features, began to recede into the depths of her memory. She only became aware of the males sudden close proximity when he began to speak and she could feel the airs around her face move as his breath caressed each follicle.

His question... stumped Aggie, to say the least, and his closeness made her exceedingly uncomfortable the more aware she became of it. Cautiously she took a step backwards, craning her head back to look the male in the eye. "What do you mean? I'm talking to you right now?" Perhaps amnesia wasn't the only thing wrong with this wolf's head. Anger began to replace the spot in her core where hope once resided, and a bitterness slowly overtook her heart like a plague. "There's no way all of you could have survived from the explosion. Not all of you, not together, not here." How could she had been so naive to have gotten her hopes up? One would have thought after all this time the woman would have learned her lesson and be more cautious of these things; of false hope and more reliable disappointment.

Again, the cinder woman took a step back, away from the male who so closely resembled everything she had lost, and turned her head away from him. Meeko, who had been silently standing by, laid a comforting hand on her shoulder, but knew all too well what was to happen next. Agnimitra was going to shut down, shut off, and close off from the world. The raccoon knew it, he had seen it time and time again since they first met each other. She would let out a deep sigh, allowing her head to lower as her golden eyes dulled over once more. "I'm sorry Lament, I don't think you're from my home."
