
Never Forget A Face



2 Years
Extra large
03-27-2019, 09:30 PM

Sphinx Beaufort

Spring, the season of new life, of new beginnings. The sun would begin to extend it's stay in the sky, bringing with it more warmth and nutrients for the plants and animals alike. Snow had melted away, giving the grass underneath vital hydration and the chance to grow under the sun. Growing greens meant more available food for the plant eaters, who would no doubt have dozens of offspring to feed now. Not only them, but many of the hunters would bring forth their next generation as well, and the circle of life would forever continue to go around. Besides the logical aspects of spring, the reality was this season was by far the most spectacular, as was evident in the grove of trees Sphinx currently glided through. Rows and rows of breathtaking trees with vibrant pink and purple hued flowers covering every inch of their branches and stems. It was a sight most astonishing and it warranted an extended investigation from the wandering woman.

The variety of trees was very poor, which lead Sphinx to believe this entire grove could probably be traced back to a single tree. Why? She could imagine a few different scenarios but as she turned over the soil under her paw and saw the rich color of it, she could only assume this land was fertile and would grow anything placed in it. It would be a perfect sight for healers to grow their own medicinal gardens, and the fawn priestess was curious if she would stumble upon such a treasure in these woods. Slowly did the woman walk through the nook, careful not to step on any twigs or leaves that might disturb the residences of this place. She was simply here to observe and learn, to investigate and to hope to find some clue as to where Pegasus was.
