
Glow Worms


03-27-2019, 09:47 PM
It would be a fair statement to say Aspen had been around, traveling every which way she could, trying her best to convert all of her knowledge into one map inside her head. But it wasn't just for that, the raven woman had always felt the calling; it drifted to her on a strange wind when she was still a pup, and ever since she has followed the wind where ever it may lead her. It was this instinct that caused her to travel east, just a few miles more than she ever had before. Growing and living in a land rich with green plants and vegetation, well it caused her to be wary of places like dessert and oceans. It almost seemed unnatural to Aspen, for a land to be completely stripped of life or to have the land lost under the sea? It made her nervous, anxious, afraid of what may be on the other side. But today, the wind called her past the rolling hills of sand and dessert, and oh how thankful she was to have listened.

Stepping one foot into the mouth of the cave, it was clear there was something glowing at the end of the tunnel, but with high noon's rays of sunshine beating down outside, it was difficult to make out if one just stood outside. Now normally, wolves would be hesitant about walking into a strange cave seemingly very out of place, but not Aspen, never. She waltz right through the front door and only looked back once to make sure the exit was still open. But as she moved deeper and deeper into the caverns, the light of the sun was gone and darkness surrounded her. Again, that would be something a normal wolf might feel uneasy about, but all it reminded her about was the last time she entered a dark cave. She had met a very friendly male who was pleasant with conversation and enlightened her about his own experiences. So why would this time be different? Different location perhaps, but that could mean different wolves too.
