



4 Years
03-28-2019, 06:50 PM

As the two collided Ty felt his challenger’s body meet his in a thunderous collision that would certainly leave bruising, but pain was of little consequence to him now. As his fangs sank into Hannibal’s back he reset his defenses to match the compromised position. Although his front right leg was active he kept his hind knees bent and spread equally apart, his paws spread and his cleat-like claws digging into the earth for added support, his ears remained pinned to his skull,and eyes narrowed as he raised his nose in a snarl, and tightened his core in an anticipation for an attack to his underside while he raised the fur around his neck to add an extra layer of cushioning to any throat attacks the albino might make. His flexed the paw of his left front leg, and would attempt to drag his left paw down Hannibal’s right side along the path of the albinoid’s ribs, attempting to scratch the pale man and attempting to bring his left front leg down to the ground for extra stability.

With his fangs digging into Hannibal’s back, Tyranis would attempt to use the the muscles in his neck to move his head to his [Ty’s] right in a sharp pull, hoping to worsen the damage of his [Ty’s] bite and possibly drag Hannibal slightly to the right side to compromise the albino’s footing. As Hannibal’s paw came down, Ty’s right arm raised and bent at the wrist,in an attempt to jab his carpals against the pale man’s sternum below the radius of Hannibal’s left leg, and near the middle of Hannibal’s chest in an attempt to wind or stun him but not ruling out the possibility of breaking one of the man’s ribs. The chest to chest bump did little damage with their chests already in such close proximity to each and Ty’s larger size but he didn’t rule out the potential for bruising later, he would attempt to square his hind legs regardless just to keep his footing . As Hannibal raised his head to place his bite on the lightning king’s back the cobra revealed herself; like a flash of lightning she unfurled from Tyranis’s neck gliding over his sleek fur with her 50 inch body, her hood raised, aiming toward the Hannibal’s left eye seeking to either strike the pale optic and blind him or force him to break away in fear [counter]

Tyranis vs. Hannibal for Pack Challenge

Round: 1 | 2 | 3

Height: 39"

Build: Medium


Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  