
Win some, lose some



3 Years
Extra large
03-28-2019, 07:01 PM

He was very sore, had some wounds that needed tended too, and his pride was rather wounded. He felt that this tournament would have been the perfect opportunity to learn where he needed to improve, but all he was feeling like right now was a complete failure. His father had walked home with him, he had been there for support and to ensure he would be okay. Frost had told him he was proud of him and that he had done a great job, but Eurus just didn't feel like it. He had been rather quiet most of the walk home, baring the pain and the muscle soreness he was feeling. He had been in two fights and lost both of them.

His father had cleaned him up and had cold water poured on his wounds to shrink the vessels so that they wouldn't bleed much on the trip home. The trick his father used had worked for the trip home, but he would still need to see a healer. They were getting close to the border and his father told him he was going to run ahead and get one of the healers awake to look him over. Eurus would look up to him and nod before his eyes looked ahead and saw Torin at the border. Frost was parting at the perfect timing because the rest of his trek would be save with Torin nearby.

Grunting he began moving forward again walking towards Torin and when he arrived a few paces in front of him and looked up to the older male. The call hadn't given them much time to explain where they were going so he supposed that this was why Torin was here.

"Dad let me participate in a fight tournament with other yougin's," he said, explaining their absence.
