
Exploring we will go



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-28-2019, 07:57 PM
The babe hadn't stopped exploring ever since she got a better taste of it. No longer was she a prisoner trapped in the range waiting for her family to return. And now she thought it a blessing that those pack wolves had taken over the territory. It was the push she needed to strike out on her own and forge her own path. And part of that path would be the island she saw not too far off the coast.

The babe was hesitant about swimming in the ocean, and it was taking her a pretty long time to decide on whether she should do it or not. It wasn't until she spotted something strange in the water swimming across it that she would decide. The form looked like another wolf, but it wasn't like any normal wolf, no. It had exotic coloration, much like she did. Her ears perked and there was a sudden hopefulness in her chest. Might that be her sister?

From far away it was hard to tell, so Paradise decided to take a chance and jumped into the water. The initial cold shocked her, but she pressed on until she made it to the other side. Shaking off her coat a bit, she followed the paw prints of the wolf she had seen until eventually, she heard a voice. She hadn't heard her sisters voice in years, so that hope was still there until...

It wasn't her. The she-wolf came into view, and Paradise realized that she was both the wrong color and definitely the wrong age. Her heart sunk, but she threw on her mask and pretended like she hadn't just had her hopes and dreams ripped away. She approached from behind the she-wolf, and as she drew closer she noticed the scent was from the pack that had taken over the range. "What the pack girl said," She briefly glanced at the other brilliantly colored girl before turning her attention back to the young male.
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