
Lips Of An Angel


07-15-2013, 09:21 PM

He could see the apprehension taking hold of her marbled face, could see some kind of expectation mixing in with her apprehension. She was expecting something....expecting what? For him to growl at her? To start cussing at her again? In truth he could've been doing all of that, but he just didn't have the strength for it anymore. His confrontation with Cataleya had taken so much out of him. He never thought he'd ever be this weak, but that's how he was right now. Even just lifting his head to look at the little nymph was sapping much of his strength. The rage that had been coiling within his veins before he'd passed out had all but been snuffed out. He didn't feel the need to curse, or growl, or make any kind of angry like gesture towards her. He was....calm. And dead tired. Just breathing was taking a lot out of him. Damn, getting hurt sucked ass. From now on, he would try and avoid it more often. Or at least he would try and avoid getting slashed open by a moose again. He didn't want to be nearly cut in half for a second time.

For the first time since their meeting, he was able to steadily meet her gaze, but this time it was she that couldn't hold it. It was her turn to glance away from his steady cyan gaze as she moved away from him, moving over towards what looked to be like a knapsack. Had she used that to bring the herbs that she had used to patch him up? He could only wonder. He watched as she nosed at the thing until it slipped over her neck, the large bag thing hanging over her, nearly reaching her ankles. She looked so much tinier with that thing slung over her shoulders, but he made no comment about it. She stood before him, her own azure gaze dancing away to something in the distance. Was she considering going home? He wouldn't blame her. Surely there were family members that were anxiously waiting for her to return and she had already spent too much time with him. She didn't need to waste her time with him anymore. She'd already fixed him up. She'd already done her job and basically thanked him for having saved her life. But he hadn't thanked her.

You should be fine if you just- just stay put. Just...There's a story, about a white wolf and a dark pelted halfbreed. The white wolf traveled the lands with his brother, looking for kingdoms that they could bring crashing down. They ended many lives and told themselves that they were having lots of fun. They found a new land and joined a pack intending to take it down from the inside, but then the white wolf met the halfbreed. She had heard the stories. She knew what he was ... But she didn't kill him, even when given the chance. They ended up becoming friend, and eventually the white wolf started to feel other things, to find other things fun. He didn't feel like hurting people anymore. He just wanted to have his friend. It looked like she'd been about to leave, but then all of a sudden a flow of words trickled from her ivory jaws. She was telling him a story about two wolves, one who was much like him and one who he assumed was like the little nymph. Was she trying to say that there was a possibility that he could change and they could be...friends? He never apologized, never thanked because no one ever did anything for him. But this circumstance was different.... Thank His voice was raspy, a low rumble as he spoke to the little medic, trying to convey just how much he truly appreciated her helping and a little part of him didn't want her to go. Not yet at least.

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