
This Glancing Life Is Like A Morning Star



5 Years
03-28-2019, 08:07 PM

The sultry woman finished cleaning out the man's wounds. Lydia nodded as she left the healer to work. Lydia pawed through her pack until she had an assortment she felt would work well. In the meantime Bolla got to work on stitching the wound closed. "Hang on, kid. This is gonna suck." The lemur glanced at Lydia her expression clear. Not going to give him anything for the pain? Lydia lightly shook her head, such a slight movement it might be mistaken for a twitch. There was no time to wait for pain medicine that could be ingested to kick in and anything topical would get sealed in with the wound. Besides he was already struggling to keep conscious and she didn't want to risk him choking. He'd just have to bear the pain for now. Bolla worked swiftly and nimbly, her little fingers working to sew the wound closed.

Lydia mixed a set of of herbs in with some healing clay which she spread across a strap of deer hide. It was a cocktail of trillium to help with pain and infection as well as some yarrow to help with the bleeding and crushed lambs ear to help with the swelling. When Bolla was done she maneuvered the strip of deer hide up to the man's neck with her teeth and her right forepaw while Bolla seized the other end and tied it snuggly around his neck. Licking the herbs from her teeth she moved back to her back and scooted some of the extra clay mixture into one of the glass jars they'd found at an abandoned human dwelling.

"Ok, we've done what we can to stop the bleeding. The herbs I've used should help with the pain and prevent infection but there's not much I can do about the large amount of blood he's lost. You'll just need to care for him until he's able to recover." She set the jar down next to the woman. "Here is some extra ointment and a few spare strips of hide you can use to change the dressing." Bolla hopped a bit closer, her usually clownish face grave. "The wounds were quite severe and there appears to be some damage to his voice. I can't say for sure if he'll recover in time but it is possible this injury could render him mute. My deepest sympathies miss…?" The lemure realized that she hadn't caught the woman's name nor the name of their patient.

"Talk" "Bolla" Think