
Lips Of An Angel



07-15-2013, 10:07 PM


His little stumbling growl took her completely by surprise. It was all he needed to say and more. It meant he'd listened to her story, he accepted her help, and maybe just maybe.... Well Orica wouldn't Jinx it by setting her hopes too high. Who could tell what the future held for the male. Maybe this really was the turning of a new leaf. Or maybe this would only prove to be a brief glimmer of hope in a sad tale. Orica couldn't read time. All she could see was what was before her now. Orica's tail began to wag loosely from side to side; she couldn't help it. The male wasn't on the verge of sending her away. Orica knew she ought not to stay- it was already late and if he didn't return to the mountain her parents would worry - but then it was a big new land. maybe they'd figure she went exploring and found her own shelter for the night in someplace new. She rated that would be it, but really she was nine months old! At a year old plenty of wolves were considered ready to go out on their own. Well whatever happened when she did return home wasn't entering into her figuring. That was a part of the future too. All the little fae was thinking about was this night and this male. Her tail still wagging, she shed her knapsack. She decided. She was staying. They could hve a slumber party! The girl stepped up towards the male's face and crouched down like a sunning cat. Their eyes were about level when she did that. "You're welcome - and, Thank you." She reechoed his words in her own sweet birdsong and then, without any other questions or permission, let her hind legs flop to the side and her fore tuck up underneath her white chest fluff. Her oversized tail came round to wrap her up, and she laid her head down on it. She was right in front of the male, almost between his forepaws, with her head facing away so that she need only open her left Ye to get a look at her paicent. "My name is Orica, by the way." The words fluted up from the little black and white dumpling. They were as good as saying good night. Because now she knew she had to stay. She's keep an eye on the male's condition til morning light at least.
