
Right By My Side [joining]

Silent I


11 Years
07-15-2013, 10:24 PM

His presence made her physical features relax. The sliver of worry that was seen in the corner of her opts disappeared and the shaking became less obvious. There was still a slight tremor in her legs as he nuzzled her neck, of which she leaned into so she could feel it longer. Eyes closed at his touch, then opened to gaze into his as she swallowed down the lump in her throat. How would her mate react to the news? How could he not know already?
Such rational thoughts were shushed by the part of her brain that wasn't raging from the pregnancy hormones. She took a deep breath in and sighed with a shuddered breath. "I'm-I'm fine, Bronze," she said in ragged tones. Her body shook all over as she rose from her haunches and moved so she was closer to him. Silent rested her head against his shoulder and dug her nose into his scruff, taking in his scent. It automatically relaxed her and she remembered why she was carrying their pups in the first place. The love they shared was the key reason for the unexpected pregnancy.
She pulled back a few steps and looked up to his eyes again. A soft smile appeared on her smooth face and she said, "Remember when you told me to let you know about the early signs? Well.." she wrinkled her nose and nodded towards the pine that hid her emesis, "the signs have arrived. We are pregnant and expecting pups!" All signs of former physical weakness and nausea had disappeared and were replaced with her usual smiles and sparkling eyes.
