DARK PASSENGER ▬ plot with this bad bby?
03-30-2019, 01:07 PM
Okay I need angst, drama, even hell for my girl Nefertiti right now. I need more plots with her that will affect her in the long run. So she is literally open to ANYTHING !
Open to:
- Friends or close friends
- Crushes
- One night stands
- Long term plots (of course come on!)
- Enemies (she loves having enemies)
- Literally anything
- Fighting lessons (she is young and driven, wants to learn how to skin you alive)
- Angst, Drama, Angst, Drama!!!
Maybe to:
- Litters
Closed to:
- Kill/Death
- Yeah that's about it don't kill my baby!
Open to:
- Friends or close friends
- Crushes
- One night stands
- Long term plots (of course come on!)
- Enemies (she loves having enemies)
- Literally anything
- Fighting lessons (she is young and driven, wants to learn how to skin you alive)
- Angst, Drama, Angst, Drama!!!
Maybe to:
- Litters
Closed to:
- Kill/Death
- Yeah that's about it don't kill my baby!