
Klein Adoptables



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
03-30-2019, 04:17 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2019, 05:11 PM by Pyralis.)
OOC Name: Lunarcat7
Character Name: Harbringr Klein (formerly Reaper)
Gender: Male

Appearance: A stark vision in black and white, Harbringr's pelt is marked by contrast. His snowy base coat, dusted with silver on his dorsal side, is boldly stained with black. His ears and tail are soaked in a deep jet black, the same color sliding down his spine from between his shoulder blades to the base of his tail. His front legs from the elbows down to his wrists are also garbed in inky gauntlets. Across the left side of his face from forehead, over eye, and across his cheek is a smear of mottled black which, with his mismatched eyes of sapphire and gold, gives almost a harlequin-like appearance.

Harbringr is a reasonably sized man standing at 36", not too thick, not too thin. Over-all he his slender and well-toned with a runner's build and a strong chest. His head is narrow and tapers gradually to his muzzle. His ears are higher than most wolves and they tend to sit a bit closer together on his head. Elegant and agile, Harbringr has the build of a gymnast, flexible and strong.

Personality: A wolf with a varied personality Harbringr is a charming mess of contradictions. He is stoic and cautious but at the same time curious and chatty. Restless to a fault, Harley is prone to wandering with a drive to seek new adventures in life and challenges to meet. Staying in one place too long leaves his mind to wander into places he'd rather it not go. Keeping moving keeps him in control.

Confident in his skills Harbringr isn't the kind of wolf to back down the moment someone starts giving him shit. He is not easily cowed and this combined with his curiosity often leads him to biting off more than he can chew. Harley is sociable in his own way, even coming across as something of a social butterfly. He enjoys the company of others but other wolves are often nothing more than a distraction from the tumultuous turnings of his thoughts. He isn't the sort to form close bonds. The difficulty in forming close relationships is further complicated by the fact that his mood can change at the drop of a pin. Little things get under his skin and quickly sour his mood.

Somewhat unstable Harbringr harbors a darker side that loves to manipulate others and participate in acts of violence. Delusional and fearless, he is an opponent to be feared and respected. He'll go out of his way for revenge and is not the kind to forgive anything. The social butterfly and the thrill-seeking killer mix equally into the twisted cocktail that is Harbringr's soul.

RP Sample: Ahhhhh the fresh morning air! So calm… sooo peaceful… but not for long.  Harbring gingerly picked his way across the mass of tangled roots that twisted and weaved through the soil of the grove of willow trees.  The sound of teeth on bone pierced the silence as the bi-colored male finished grinding the last bits of flesh from a squirrel skull.  Dropping the remains between his front paws Har eyed a space about 50 feet in front of him, a melon-sized, water-filled hole formed by the roots of a particularly large willow tree.  

Concentrating for a minute a wicked grin spread across his face before with a powerful kick Harley sent the squirrel head rolling violently across the terra, bouncing across roots until it landed with a satisfying splash in the hole.  Score!  Hole in one!   GOOOAAAAALLLLLL!  Harbringr let out a triumphant howl.  Oh yes, he was good, he was oh so very good.  Trotting to the hole Har reached in and snatched the skull up before trotting 100 paces back.

Time for round number two….

Plots/Ideas: Yes, I plan for Harbringr to seek out Hannibal and join him. Depending on if the challenge is still going on he'll likely find Hanni soon rather than later. His skills will lie in battle and navigation and he'll look to establish himself as a fierce warrior. He will have a tendency to wander from time to time but this can be harnessed for the good of the Klein's.

Might like to find him a boyfriend eventually. I believe he did have a mate at one time but she died tragically before they had a litter and he believes himself haunted by her spirit. I don't think he'd mate with another woman again due to this. But I think he could convince his former wife's spirit to let him have a boyfriend. As such I'd love for him to interact with Cordelia. He would definitely believe she can talk to spirits and would like her to help him have more frequent conversations with his deceased lover.
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!