
Untouchable. <3

Elysia I


07-15-2013, 10:52 PM
The feathers laid scattered around the earthen female as she laid there gazing at her meal. Jaws part to take the first bite when the sounds of approaching paws and a voice halted her. Fur bristled along her spine in alarm and teeth clamped down on her catch. Quick movement and she was on her paws, facing another wolf. Ears laid back and tail tucked under her. Her sea green orbs stared bewildered at the other female wolf who carried her own meal.
Elysia could barely make out what the other wolf had said. It was then that a howl broke out close by. Panicked she whirled about confused and thinking she might be under attack. Her mad need to get out of there confused her, turning her to run right into the owner who had howled.
Body crashed to the ground, plucked bird fallen out of her grip as she laid there dazed for a moment. Body curled in on itself as a whimper slipped from her throat She had never encounter two wolves at once! And not like this either. Could this very well be an attack. What if they worked for her father? Or maybe they were mean twisted wolves. But who would do that? Appear nice but really intend to harm someone.
She stared up at the dark gray wolf before her now from the ground. If they did intend to harm her, she was in a very bad position to protect herself. But its not like she even knew how to do that. Gazed swept around her for a way out if it was needed. Tail curled up between her legs but her paws itched to get up and move. She was too afraid to do so though. Oh where was Demoino when she needed him!