
Write To Me & Escape


07-15-2013, 11:18 PM

Her blue eyes met his and she could detect the warmth that glowed from within. His laughter and obvious mirth danced in the liquid pools that were his opts and she drank them up. The laughter inside of her subsided, but she continued to enjoy watching him as he spoke to her. When he made it out to see if she was brave enough to face the water, she raised an eyebrow. She played off being offended as she said in a dangerously low voice, "Is that a challenge, sir?" before she began to walk back and forth across the bank. Her paws caressed the ground beneath them as she appeared to take in the details of the situation in front of her.
Aeil's opts roved over Dragon as he began to kick the water on his back. She watched him change direction in the water and her stomach did a slight flip as he swam closer to her. Her tail flicked behind her as he implored her with his own gaze, beckoning her to the water. With a playful huff, she turned and walked away from the bank. Aeil then sharply turned and raced towards the water. She cleanly leaped from the ground and up in the air before diving in nose first with her eyes closed. Her body rose to the surface and she took in a sharp intake of breath. The feeling of the water across her body and fur felt relaxing, especially after dozing in the sun a few minutes before. Aeil dove under the water again, did a couple of swirly loops, then resurfaced closer to Dragon. She looked at him with the water dripping from her maw and her fur flattened against her prominent features. A grin broke out across her face and she doggy paddled around him with a gentle bark. "I, sir, am never afraid!" she shouted regally, though a laugh was hidden between her words. "You never know what life may bring to you, so never be scared!" Aeil met his gaze and her tail wagged near the water's surface, causing it to splash and spray in all kinds of directions.
It was then that Aeil playfully splashed the large male, causing water to rise and fall in a mini shower of drops. "Catch me if you can!" She laughed and dove under the water again, this time intending to swim like a fish to get away from Dragon. There was a hope in her chest that he would catch on and play. It had been so long since she had done something like this, let alone with someon else who enjoyed it just as much.
