
Fate is Unstoppable


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-30-2019, 09:34 PM

The Northern lands had a certain appeal to them that kept drawing in the alabaster titan. He still wasn't quite sure where he wanted to settle when it came time to bring his pack to fruition, but each day that passed brought that time closer. He just needed a couple more heads to make it a reality. He padded quietly through the pines as he investigated the lands, and so far the place seemed suitable for a pack. The scents of prey in the area was strong and rich, likely one of the places that caribou passed during their migration along with other animals, but he wasn't much of the hunter type to know for sure. Elara would know far more than him when it came to prey patterns, but if he had to guess? This was probably a very good prey spot.

As the days passed, Ace was sure that he wanted to lead a pack. He wasn't so unsure about it like he had been before, and he would strive to do what he could to make this a reality. While he had his doubts about leaving Abaven, he knew this would be in his best interest. He could make his own decisions based on his own judgments without repercussions. While he didn't mind following others, Ace had always been one to do what he thought was the best course of action, and he felt he was limited in that aspect when it came to serving in Abaven. Of course, the thought about what happened during that big show at the battlefield weeks prior had done well to remind him of that and really show him that he wasn't in as much control as he would have liked.

Still, he felt he owed a lot to Shaye and Rhyme for taking them in and teaching his niece and nephew things he probably couldn't have taught them. So in a way, he felt he was in their debt. But there was always ways to repay that debt...and after the humiliation and embarrassment Shaye had done to him that day, he felt it may have been paid by his not challenging for the pack. Then again, he couldn't say for sure if that would happen or not. Not unless Shaye had done something worse. He knew she was acting as the alpha and not as a friend that day...but he still couldn't get past it, no matter how hard he tried. She had said once that she'd fight beside him and this and that and the other thing. But all he could really think when he thought about what she said was assuming she just told him what she thought he wanted to hear during his vulnerable state. He was confused if he was honest with himself...

But perhaps after he took his leave, he'd be less confused. He wasn't totally sure yet.

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