
Star Light, Star Bright

Ivy I


4 Years
03-31-2019, 12:29 PM
The younger female seem interested by her words, and she quirked a slow smile.  "Oh, you know.. this and that," she started, though quickly decided being specific would likely sate the girl's curiosity better. "I suppose it depends what the situation calls for. I'm especially good with drying pelts and fastening them into things. I once made a sling to wear around a wolf's neck with a bag attached to it," she explained, quite proudly, her smile widening a touch. "I don't have a companion to help, but.. maybe someday." The way she shrugged and spoke with wariness in her voice made it clear it wouldn't be someday soon. Her trust issues would see to that, though she wouldn't readily disclose that to anyone, especially a near-stranger.

She was curious as to what Aerndis was referring to, and she shuffled a bit closer so she could properly see where her paw was lifting toward. She found the four brighter stars that seemed to form a square, and nodded. Her gaze swept down the back of the makeshift bear, to the tip of the tail that apparently pointed to the north. Aerndis was right - she was looking straight to the north, or what she knew as the north, as Kesali's lands were just slightly east of where she was looking. "That's good to know," Ivy finally lowered her head to glance over at Aerndis with that same faint smile. "I appreciate the tip. Might help me someday. I should continue my exploration though. You're free to join me if you'd like," Ivy offered, though stood and moved to begin her scouting of the island, under the dark of night.

- exit Ivy -