
Klein Adoptables


04-02-2019, 07:10 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2019, 09:08 PM by Bluetick.)
OOC Name: Bluetick
Character: Rapture Klein (formally Xander)
Gender: male
Design: click

36 inches & mediumĀ build
Rapture is a male that is easily recognizable as a Klein. Even though he is not partially albino, or majority white he is still recognized as a Klein. Like some of his siblings majority of his fur is a dark color, most of his fur is black. He only has one other color that is on his fur and that is white. there is only maybe twenty five percent of his body that has white on it while the rest is black. Both left legs have small white socks on and his right front foot has white toes while his right rear leg is all black. He has a white mask with black ticking mixed within it and his right ear is all white while the left is black. Also from the middle of his back all the way to his rump is one large patch of white with black ticking mixed in at spots and white tail tip with black ticking. There is also a few white blotches here and there on his body. The only trait of showing the albinism within his bloodline is the pinkish eyes he has. His nose and his paw pads are black and majority if his fur is dark in color.

Rapture is a little bit bigger then his older brother Hannibal, standing at 36 inches. Like Hannibal he keeps himself at a medium build and does his best to remain that way. He is not a lazy creature and will never let himself get overweight, but he does enjoy some leisure at times. He is a fairly active wolf and his body shows that. Rapture is a very agile wolf, with quick response that he tries his hardest to keep well trained. He does train to keep himself fit and sharp as he can manage, but he isn't as hardcore as some may be.

This male has some rather rough edges to his personality. He isn't afraid to get down and dirty, no matter what he is dealing with. Blood, Mud, bodily fluids, etc doesn't bother this male at all. He will stand up and brawl with any who decides to challenge him or pose a threat to the pack. He isn't the smoothest when it comes to words. He says what is his true opinion or what is truly on his mind. He will not sugar coat things and definitely does not try at all to lie or hide the truth. He has very blunt honesty and has never feared what consequences could come from what he says. He also isn't the best when it comes to socializing with others. He is extremely blunt and can be hard headed making it difficult for you to try and explain how to do something to him if he already has a set way of doing it. He doesn't always want to be social either. If he has work to be done he wants to get it done, not sit around and chat. If he is focused on something or in the middle of doing something his replies can be gruff, short, or even just simple sounds or growls.

He lives her life day to day focusing on how to survive and how to keep alive to the next day. He spends his day training, sparring, and pulling his weight around the pack and practicing his healing skills on the side. He was raised that pack and family were everything and no one can change his mind about that. He is also extremely loyal to both family and pack/band. In most cases the pack/band is his family unless you are a newly joined wolf. He does have some trust issues with new wolves. Wolves who are strangers with little to no ties to the pack he feels need to be watched and not trusted until they prove they are trustworthy. He doesn't know how to properly show most of his emotions. If he is upset, confused, irritated, angry, or really anything out of his normal mood he will stay away from others. It's his method of keeping himself from saying or doing something inappropriately. He will avoid others until he can figure things out and return his self to a normal mood. Staying away from others isn't always due to emotions. He likes his alone time and will use it to think, plan, and will use it patrol.

Family and pack is also held very close to his heart and he would be the first to fight to the death for them. He is a very protective male and will be the first to step up and take on any threat no matter what type of threat it is. He can be overly protective over the sick, the weak, or the young because he knows there is more of a chance of them being hurt then another. He does have some more deeper trust issues then just strangers. He doesn't let many get too close to him. He has some dark thoughts in the back of his mind and though he doesn't lie, he will leave some things out that are about his life. He has some issues with settling down that goes along with his trust issues. If you are interested in this male be prepared for a long run. He will let a female get so far, before the relationship is stopped. Call it fear of settling or just trust issues, no one is really all to sure. Rapture himself doesn't know what the problem is. Persistence may be the key to breaking it, but no one has tried it yet.

RP Sample:
The fallen kingdom was long behind him now, the miles he had put between himself and it had been many and he didn't plan on turning back. His siblings had scattered and there was nothing left there anymore, nothing but death and dismay. He needed to move on and find out where to go from here. He hadn't been able to find any of his siblings, mainly Hannibal who had been chosen to take over the kingdom. So now he was alone and had been for some time. He was still young so there was plenty of hope he could find a place for himself, he knew he would never be able to run a kingdom like a true Klein, but he would find himself somewhere. At least that's what he kept telling himself, he would have preferred to remain with his family, but his luck in finding them had been very poor.

Trudging along a game trail the male would huff lightly as he moved unsure of where exactly he was going. He was simply moving in the same direction and the only thing that changed was the world around him. It felt so.... repetitive and he was growing very bored of it. He never had stopped long enough to really explore his surroundings or to even look for the company of another. The only time he stopped was to hunt or to sleep and he only did that when it was absolutely necessary. It wasn't until he came across the faintest of scents that had small traces of familiarity did the male stop. Being that it was so old it took him a while to figure out why it had been so familiar, but when he did his mood would lighten and his feature looked more approving then it had been before.

For the first time in what felt like ages the male altered his course to fallow the trail. His pace would quicken and his eyes would harden. He will find Hannibal, now that he found a faint trail he would find him.

Plots/Ideas: He will seek out his brother and join him. He will have a difficult time trusting the new faces, but he will trust in his brother's choices of family and other pack members.

I'm aiming for a Fighter/healer or Hunter/healer for skills. So as far as ranks go There would be quite a few places he could go to depending on what I end up going with. He could specialize in poisons (alchemist) or end up being a guard, hunter, or healer.

Note: If ever reclaimed this design DOES NOT go with the character. It is a design I have bought.