
This Angel Has No Wings...



07-16-2013, 12:33 AM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2013, 12:44 AM by Imena.)
Paws slowly moved, claws dragging along the earth leaving scars. Scars, this body felt like nothing but scars. Even breathing in seemed painful. There was no place for a thing like this one. She had once belong, lived, had a purpose. Till it was ripped away. She felt like a bird who's wings had been broken but forced to remain alive. How cruel, this torture she must endure alone.
"I had promised never to leave you.."She muttered, clear sky blue eyes casting upwards to the night sky. "But you shunned me, thought i was a killer, you left me.." The dark shadow continued on her drift along this earth.
There was no place for her, no relief from this depression. She was unimportant, who would miss her if she just stopped and died? But something always throbbed in her head when she thought like that. As if it was like a sign she shouldn?t give up. But how? No one wanted her around. She had been cast out, blamed and titled as a pup killer.

Who needed those who couldn?t take the time to find justice and just blame? They were stupid, she knew by now she was forgotten by them. There was no use in hopes of going back. She only had the choice of moving on. And in such case she came to the dry place. She had crossed the cursed land of dust and death, somehow making it out. A breezy picked up and rustling, like the fine whispers one might hear behind their backs, lifted into the air. Sky blue orbs moved from the ground to ahead of her. Trees, familiar and rarely seen in her life, clustered about. There odd branches swayed and dipped to the earthen floor. The whispers felt like they were laughing at her, and yet at the some time offering comfort. With a sigh the female wolf dragged her tired body under the largest willow to rest at it's base. the branches provided a thick curtain from the rest of the world, closing her off. If only that was true..if only.