
Yet Another Puppy Thread



4 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
03-31-2019, 03:54 PM
She leaned into Rhyme’s nuzzle, and she returned his smile, through her head was still churning through ways to get back at Noir. she was going to hatch her revenge, she just hadn’t quite figured out how yet. He would talk about last names, and she would raise her head curiously when he mentioned his other three children were given a different one. Had she known that? She wasn’t sure, and was curious what it was. He would tell them, and then explain that they couldn’t keep it anymore.

She tilted her head, but mostly because she was curious why her and Poem had been invited - and then Rhyme would explain that they could change their name too, if they wished. It seemed strange to her that names where such interchangeable things, like choosing a mouse for breakfast instead of a rabbit. This was a new way of thinking for her, and she wasn’t certain what she should do with the new information.

Poem piped up saying she wished to be a Cavaliere, and Motif, who was on the fence, suddenly realised she wanted that as well. Especially when Noir wanted Destruction. Before she could pipe up and say it, Shaye would appear. She looked to her mother, and tilted her head when she spoke with pride about the destruction name. It didn’t sound like Shaye thought their names where so easily changed, and she took Poem aside for a moment. Shaye had a feeling it was because her sister had picked the wrong name. Not wanting to make a scene, Motif kept her silence and said nothing as her siblings around her decided on what to be called. Sweet Theory thought of a great answer, taking both of the names so that none of them were left out. She turned and grinned at the girl, liking the idea.

Verse instead of picking a name would question why they couldn’t have the one they had already had. At least her and Poem weren’t losing their name. She didn’t know if there was any significance to that. “I like Destruction-Cavaliere” she said quietly, offering Theory another smile.
[Image: IdzUBSO.png]