
Bear of a Temper [Fighting Skill Prompt]

Song ii


6 Years
Extra large

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-31-2019, 08:42 PM
Honestly Song hadn’t expected to hear Aurielle’s voice so soon after her visit to their borders. Song felt curious enough when he heard her that he was quick to lift his form and follow. He hadn’t been doing much, a little hunting and a trip around the borders was all he’d managed. This made a good excuse to go out beyond Fyri’s borders.

Ivory paws carried him to the cove, quite a ways from the heart of the pack. When he smelled bear he regretted the fact that he had taken so long to get here. He felt himself speed up as he sought out Aurielle’s shimmering silhouette. He didn’t have time to feel surprised at the worry in his gut. They’d only met twice, but he found himself distressed by the idea of her taking on a bear on her own.

He came up from behind, barely too late to watch the bear disappear into the underbrush. The alpha’s form was slumped against the side of a whale carcass. He would have admired the later were he not so concerned with the former. She looked half beat, and he didn’t miss the tracks in the black sand.

Song raced to her and he found himself calling for a healer instinctively as he ran. He didn’t know if anyone would come. He’d never learned the art his grandmother lived.

”Aurielle?” He asked with concern as he slowed when he was close enough. ”Are you.. Can I.. I think there’s a healer on the way?” He could have helped fight the bear, but having to clean up afterwards was beyond his scope. He couldn’t just stand and watch her die here though.