
Game plan


04-01-2019, 04:03 PM
As Al sat quietly and waited for the meeting to begin, Flash would sneak glances this way and that at each wolf that arrived or was already there. Bright monkey eyes would take it all in with grave curiosity, and his hands would fidget in the wolfs mane, absentmindedly pulling pieces together in a hasty brade.

One everyone arrived, Ignatius would begin, and even Flash fell still to hear the proud males speech. He debated lending his expertise to the knowledge of crafting, but would wait to see if anyone else jumped aboard first. He was still new to the pack, and not familiar with its members. After a moment, a wolf did make the suggest, and he looked curiously to the man. The pale creature that had stepped forward would hold Al’s attention for a moment, before he spoke. “I would happily assist in crafting lessons, if needed” he volunteered. For the rest of it, he knew he would be attending the lessons. He could make useful crafts to store healings in, and what to use skins for, but he was mostly mediocre in his skills with the actual jobs themselves