
You had me at Hello


07-16-2013, 01:42 AM

Pacifica smiled and quickly followed after her new friend, or at her he was becoming a new friend. She blushed and looked down at the floor as she walked, pushing away thoughts she figured were not appropriate now. They had just met after all. Then again, she didn't know exactly what to think. Her mind was all a jumble and her stomach was fluttery. She even felt that her paws would trip her up if she weren't careful. She turned to him, tail bouncing as it flagged over her back, ears in his direction as her sky blue eyes bore into his fur. What did she have in mind? Well her favorite food of course! Being born in an ocean cove, there was one thing she was primarily raised on. And that was the prey that could be caught in the waters depths. Fish. Sometimes the occasional seal, but she figured there wouldn't be any around here in the middle of the island. Perhaps near the beach, or out on one of those new islands she heard about, but not here. She opened her mouth to speak, muzzle pulled up in a slight grin.

"Well, my name is derived from the word 'Pacific', I was born in a cove at the oceans edge, and was raised mostly from the things that lived there. Fish! Uh, and sometimes the occasional seal. Have you ever tried one? It's good, but the majority of its top layer is thick blubber, since that keeps it from freezing in the water I guess. It would be quite useful for us wolves to have that during the winter months, but then we'd all be thick blobs of fat! I can't imagine walking around like that!" She laughed, ears lilting back as she realized she had rambled about something he probably didn't care about. Clearing her throat, she continued. "Anyway, I passed by a river not far from here, filled with jumping trout! I love fish! I could eat them all day! But...then I have to eat mint leaves after, because nobody likes to talk to a wolf with tuna breath..." She grinned shyly at the male. Her gait changing to a bouncing trot as she changed course, leading him to the place she spoke of.

Turning to him again, she had heard his stomach growl earlier, and knew that the squire was hungry as well. "You like fish yes? It's my favorite. These particular trout looked really plump and big, there were a few bears out catching them but...I don't think they'll bother us."

"speech" Thought You