
It's a baby, now gush and smile so we can get back to fighting



5 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019
04-01-2019, 05:29 PM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2019, 05:30 PM by Ramesh.)

The water was shockingly cold, even in spring. The warm day didn’t seem to have done much to heat the large body of liquid, and all he could think about was how much it was going to suck getting his fur dry again, and then he went under.

If he thought it was bad, half in and half out, the temperature was surprisingly nice once he was fully in. He didn’t plan on staying there for long, and as he flailed about, he realised he couldn’t get past the huge bulk of the angry manatee mother. He began to flail harder as his body desired air, desperate to get out of this stupid predicament. This was all Ve-ve’s fault, if she had just landed on his branch like a normal wolf!

The angry Manatee smacking him again, driving the last little bit of air from his lungs, and he was certain that he was a gooner, this was it. This was how the Great Warrior Ramesh died. Stuck under a fat sea cow.

Just when he had given up hope, he felt teeth grip into his ruff, and drag him forcefully out of the way of the third manatee attack. With a few powerful strokes, his rescuer dragged him to the surface, where he could suck in blissful, delicious air. As he gasped and spluttered and cleared a mouthful of water from his lungs, he would see the beautiful, daring form of his sister. “Velvette” he gasped, delirious and light headed. “My beautiful, wonderful sister. I take back everything I ever said about your smell and stupidity. I love you” he rasped, his voice coming and going as his throat burned.

For some reason, his sister halted his rescue there, releasing him so quickly he slipped back under the water again, and he flailed ungracefully back to the surface, and dragged his sorry ass to the shore, where he hugged the sand and breathed. Thinking blissful, longing thoughts about his tree. He heard the pipping, annoyed voice of the manatee, but it seemed to show no interest in pursuing him further, and turned back to play with its babe.

Word count: 363
