
Sometimes There Is Honor In Revenge


04-02-2019, 01:51 AM

She spoke and his massive paws paused. Was she convincing him or herself of the way things were? Or was she merely trying to place him under her paw. Ha. It was a feat none would ever achieve. He was a pharaoh, a king, a ruler, marked by the gods to be as such. She knew nothing of him or his lineage yet here she be, judging him. His anger was riled the moment he scented ra upon her, however stale it was. He was the man's sire but nothing linked the two after what he'd done. My hatred of Ra goes deeper than you might ever imagine, he is a thief and murderer. He has taken what cannot be given back and for that him and any within his chains shall die, slowly and painfully. hate wasnt even the proper word for such a thing. His temper was vile but in that statement his weakness and pain shown. This woman wanted to open up wounds his uncle had sewn shut long ago. He was taught to be a heartless man yet there were those that always tended to surpass his walls.

She should of shut up, should of approached him differently. His defenses were up with her from the scents upon her. His system in shock perhaps from her form being a sister and not a bride. No my crown remains, my uncle holds it but there are conditions for me to gain it. I left to fulfill one. I must have a bride, word reached us of a woman slave God touched and we believed her to be meant for my bride. No I have seen her, and she is a heritage that means only death to me, for that is all our father brought. Never did he love me, never did he educate me or tell me of any siblings. How I could of been so naive? of course Ra would of left others without a father, and potentially like himself without a mother.

He claimed to have been proud of me once, and I once loved him, but he left and took my mother's life away from me. He once called himself a pharaoh and I vowed to never bow to any crown ever. Do you understand what you ask of me? To become slave after all things to another's crown. This concerns more than my own freedom as well. My servant who has vowed his loyalty to me would fall apart to be taken from me. You want my alliance then we may discuss terms but I'll not bow. compassion for his servant danced behind onix gems. He turned his face upon her once more. Pride was his and it was apparent he would not be able to lose all of it.
