
Pain Is Merely Weakness Leaving The Body



07-16-2013, 03:42 AM

Sasori was somewhat appalled by the male's words. His words were so bold and full of meaning. They were confusing though. How could you hold such sympathies and wishes for a complete stranger you'd just met. Sasori nodded though. This went along with the proper manners in front of others kind of stuff. He'd been taught proper etiquette and how to conduct himself. He had been an odd child. Very secluded and kept to himself. He had been so wrapped up in his training that he cared for very little except his own progression. He hadn't taken the time to socialize with others. By that point he'd become a social retard. He was proper and behaved himself, but he preferred the solitude. It was comfortable. Of course, occasionally he did enjoy having a wolf around, but only when it was someone who didn't run their chops all the time. He was a picky soul. Always had been and always would be.

"I suppose I should wish the same upon you then?"

He wouldn't pretend to care, but he wasn't vile enough to wish evil upon him either. Surely he'd recognize that much. Words kept spilling from the gray brute's mouth though. He listened quietly and attentively. He wasn't one who would interrupt another. Not unless their rambling was absolutely unnecessary ad pointless. He wouldn't listen to things that had no meaning and not a lick of intelligence to them, however this male was intriguing. His knowledge of the universe and the divine was different. Most wolves didn't speak of such things. Granted he sounded like a hippie and one of those peace loving pacifists, but it wasn't terrible. Least he wasn't trying to completely cram bullshit down his throat.

"I did not say I do not appreciate another's company. I merely prefer to dwell in silence. Most find it awkward and feel the need to talk, therefore I do not keep company around me."

A simple explanation that was very true. Most found the need to incessantly talk so he chose not to keep many around him. What would be the point if they'd annoy him? There wasn't a point so until such a time came that they could enjoy the silence with him and work side by side without having to say a word he would be alone.
