
Never Forget A Face



2 Years
Extra large
04-02-2019, 03:15 PM

Sphinx Beaufort

Captivated by the visual stimulus of the nook, it was almost alarming to hear another's voice whisk through the trees. It might not have been so alarming had the sudden voice not sounded so familiar, yet so far away. It was a voice she knew well, something deeply rooted in her past, but was still unsure quite who it was. She paused in her stride, becoming acutely tuned into the sounds around her rather than the sights, trying to pin point the origin of the voice. Then she heard movement behind her, back down the path she came, causing her to turn and look over her shoulder. In an instant, she saw her. "Medea?" She all but gasped, sapphire eyes going wide at the sight of her sister. It was like a dream, surely a hallucination, there had to be something toxic in the trees... right?

Closer and closer her sibling came, with no shimmer or fade to her form, a solid, realistic image moving against the sways of the nook. Excitement flourished in her chest and a giant smile spread across her maw as she turned fully to face Medea. "How can this be? How are you here right now?" The last thing she recalled of her sister, was leaving her behind, in the safety of home, while she searched for Peg. But to see her here, a fellow Beaufort princess in a strange land, it was cause for just as much concern as it was joy. "What about home?" She was concerned now for their people, after all, it was bad enough they had lost their Prince and heir, now they would loose two of their princesses as well.
