
Forgive and forget and die


07-16-2013, 04:02 AM
Nodding, the brute had made it safely down to the fallen male. He frowned though, trying to figure out how he would get him up to safety. The brute looked like he couldn't walk without collapsing in pain, so it was clear he wouldn't be able to walk up the path even with Squall's was too steep for the brute. Looking back towards the path, and then up the cliff face, he wondered how this guy hadn't snapped his neck. It was still a long way down, and this would take quite a bit of time alone...but even if another did show up to help, there wouldn't be enough room for three wolves. Squall's own paws were barely clipping the edge as he stood near the grey beast, who was backed up as far away from the edge as he could get. Ears flicking with frustration, his gaze burned on the still form. At least this creature was still alive, even if not he would have still come for the body.

Clicking his teeth together, he decided to pull the male up onto his back. Even if it pained the man, he would have to deal with it till they got to the top. "Alright, I know this may hurt. But if I don't get you up there, you'll die here. A healer should be here soon, so the sooner I get you out of here then the sooner your pain can be eased. I won't leave you stranded here, even as a stranger it would be cold-hearted of me to leave you to die here. If not blood loss then starvation, and that would be cruel. Bear with me okay? This won't be easy...But I'll get you out of here, I promise." He told the man with reassurance. He had made a promise, something he hadn't done for...well, years. But he needed the man to trust him if he were to have a chance at saving his life.

Squall leaned down and picked Thane up by his scruff. He stopped to think for a moment, then figured that he'd have to do a quick pull and slide. He grasped the brutes scruff in his teeth, then he snapped his head as high as he could, jerking the mans body with the motion. He knew it would hurt the man with his injury, but it was the only option he had since he didn't have room to slide his body under the males weight. There was absolutely no room to back up, so this was the only way. As soon as the brutes body was lifted off the ground, Squall had quickly slid his body forward, bracing his legs for the weight of the male to fall on his shoulders. He grunted, this guy was heavier then he looked...with an effort, the tri-colored knight shifted his body position and heaved his shoulders up to better position the mass upon him. With a foreleg, he grasped Thane's foreleg, and pulled him forward so that he was position like a cape upon his body. Taking a deep breath, he began to carefully walk to the path, the males back paws dragging slightly on the ground. Looking up, he gritted his teeth as he began the difficult climb.

Rocks and gravel slipped under his paws, causing him to stumble every so often. His legs strained against the weight, but he was determined to get this fallen soul out of danger and to the help that would come soon. He gritted his teeth, sharp stones dug into his pads as he pushed all of the weight down. Claws dug into the earth, claws cracking as the weight forced them to splinter against the stones in his path. Blood trickled from the cuts, but he simply held it in and continued on...
Audits perked forward as he saw that he was nearly there. After several grueling minutes, ticking by what seemed like hours to the exhausting male. A half hour passed, and he was nearly at the top now. Legs shook with the dead weight of the beast on his back, he felt like a sled dog pulling a full load through the thickest snow. He knew he'd have to get something to patch up his pads, he could feel the skin tear more and more with each step. Debris stabbing into his open raw wounds without mercy. Sweat began to stain his coat as he surged forward, shoulders pounding his legs into the ground. With a few final efforts, his forelegs found purchase at the top of the slope, back legs slipped slightly but he quickly regained. He was at the top, there was no way he was about to slide back down now! With a snarl, he lunged forward, collapsing in a side roll as his body flew forward, throwing the male forward a foot or two. Both heathens lied side by side, Squall gasping for air as he lied on his side, tongue hanging out and paws bleeding heavily. Made it! I'm gonna be sore for days...I'm gonna have trouble walking least he's somewhere where help could reach him... He thought tiredly.

He lifted his head enough to glance towards the white femme who he had saved earlier. His head fell back down in exhaustion, eyes closing to rest as he tried to ignore the pain that began to slowly ebb into his body.

Speech, Thought, You