
Same as it never was....



07-16-2013, 04:27 AM

An ear remained trained on the old man as he quenched his thirst. It was almost as if he could sense that the male would approach him. He watched the male from the corner of his eye before raising his head. Water dripped down back into the lake in tiny droplets and a salmon colored tongue flicked from his mouth to clean his muzzle before he turned to look at the oddly marked brute.

It was obvious he was being observed. The male's black gaze lingered on him studying him, sizing him up. He was quite observant it seemed and he could respect that, even if he was being profiled. He would have been a hypocrite if he were to judge him. He had already profiled the man too. The gimp leg that seemed to bother him, but he couldn't determine how much pain he was in. He looked to be about eight or nine years old. Exiting his prime, but not near complete death yet either. He faintly smelled of a pack, but he wasn't familiar with which one.

He spoke and Sasori remained quiet as he listened. His name was Ulrike. An ear swiveled to the side as he listened to the grass teeming with life before they trained upon him much more. Tortuga was the pack then that he smelled, but his suspicions were confirmed. Due to the tense of words he used it was a pack no longer. Intriguing.

"Sasori Nara. Rogue. I merely wander to further my knowledge which brings me to this place. It reminds me much of home. What about you, Ulrike?"
