


07-16-2013, 04:48 AM
Audits swiveled forward, a brow raised as he caught the name of the young man. He was a strange sight, he was sure a stranger sight then he himself. The lad look startled, however, and the look in his eyes was...rather strange. Jack seldom saw eyes like that, but he had seen stranger things. He supposed this would be no stranger, but the air around this boy seemed like it would send the shivers down any normal manes bones. But not his. Hopping across the remaining water towards the estranged beast, his head tilted to the side and his eyes studied the beast before him. "Casear eh? Nice to meetcha lad. I am Captain Jack Sparrow, Though I don't have a crew nor pack, I will one day soon. I am a pirate, A pillager and plunderer, a thief among thieves. It will do you well to watch out for the sort, Caesar. You never know if one his honest to not stab you in the back. I, however, would not do such a thing. It wouldn't benefit me in any way, so I mean you no ill will boy. I am in no league with anyone, I work for myself and have no good or bad ties to either party. And you lad? What is one such as yourself doing way out here?"

He stopped a few feet from the black pelted beast. Curiosity peaked him, but he remained on guard. Something about this boy was strange, but be it he or another soul, he was always on guard. He never knew when one would decide to attack him for the goods he had stolen, and he would not give them up so easily. He was nimble, light footed, quick to the chase and would fight with tongue, tooth, and claw if it came down to it. Hopefully, that was not necessary.