
I Thought I Could Handle It...



Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-02-2019, 10:28 PM
He huddled against the trunk of the tree, bleeding and in pain. As fearless as he tried to be, he was too scared to try to return to the den. He wasn't sure how long he waited (it wasn't that long, really), but he felt like he'd been sitting there awhile as he tried and failed to find the courage to make a break for it. Relief somewhat washed over him when he heard a boyish voice close by, and when he was just about to answer, his father thundered into the clearing and headed straight towards him. "What happened?" He questioned as he closed the distance. Tyto didn't struggle against his father's touches, and instead leaned into him and buried his face into his fur. Would he be mad at him for having come out on his own? He didn't think he was that far from the den and just wanted to explore a little by himself. But maybe that had been a bad idea...

His father continued to ask him questions as he lowered himself to look him in the eye. Sniffling, Tyto forgot about the other voice as his ears fell back while trying to find his voice and quiet his crying. "S-She's by the den I think..." He wasn't sure. After he snuck away, he wasn't sure if she stayed by the den or noticed and was now trying to track him down. "I-I just wanted to explore a 'lil bit on my own, and a big bird with giant claws attacked me! My back hurts, dad!" He whined, small body shivering as the pain coursed through him and the blood trickling down his sides. He had never experienced pain like this before, and for a moment, he thought he might die!

His eyes widened at that sudden thought as his gaze frantically sought out his fathers and he quickly huddled against him again. "Am I gonna die!? He cried out, his tears returning as he thought about it.